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Equipment choice, sizing and budget

new workshop or improvement of existing panning equipment

You need advice to create a new workshop or to improve existing panning equipment ?

You would like to create a new workshop or improve existing panning equipment. Frédéric Menguy can share his experience in chocolate or sugar panning. To avoid the purchase of equipment unsuited to your project, he can help you structure your approach by helping you choose the process which is best adapted to the type of products that you wish manufacture. He then calculates the size of equipment needed and makes the provisional budget.


Firstly, Frédéric Menguy suggest classifying your products into one of the categories below :

  • 01 Sugar panned products on heat-resistant centre

    (traditional almond dragées)

  • 02 Sugar panned products on heat-sensitive centre

    (chocolate centre dragées, chewing candy centre dragées)

  • 03 Chocolate panned products on mechanical-resistant centre

    (dried fruit with chocolate coating) with polished or powdered finishing

  • 04 Chocolate panned products on soft or breakable centre

    (cereal balls, fruit jelly…) with polished or powdered finishing

  • 05 Chocolate and sugar panned products

    (Viennoise, M&M’s type…)

Please note that in the chocolate panned products, the choice of finishing (powdered or varnished) will have a real importance on the requested performance of the equipment, especially in terms of air flow and absolute humidity.

Secondly according to the products to make, we choose the best adapted ageing room and packaging.

Choice of pan

and its environment

The pan is only one element of the panning workshop. Even if you have invested in an automatic pan with integrated equipment, you must plan for example ageing room for products in progress or finished products. This aspect is too often neglected by pan suppliers.


The most economical solution is to buy a second-hand pan which will be completed according to the products made.


So, the panning equipment needed is composed of several elements which must be defined and sized :

  • Pan (classic, automatic, belt coater, new, second-hand)
  • Air treatment (temperature range, humidity range, air flow)
  • Dust or solvent vapour vacuum
  • Purchase of ready-made centres or internal manufacturing
  • Hot or cold ageing room, stabilizing room, storage zone before packaging
  • Packaging equipment
  • Storage zone for finished products

Budget forecast

In the case of purchase of an automatic pan with air treatment included, most of the cost will be here.
If you choose second hand pan, most of the cost will be air treatment


Once again, Frédéric Menguy can help you optimize investments so that you can build a coherent project adapted to your needs and constraints.

Demonstration in our App-Lab

OurApplication Laboratory will allow you to be more efficient in the choice of your panning equipment.

Demonstration in our App-Lab

OurApplication Laboratory will allow you to be more efficient in the choice of your panning equipment.

Do you have a project ?

Get an expert to help you create new facilities
or improve your panning equipment

Today recognized as one of the best experts in pan coating, he guides industrial confectioners and artisan chocolatiers in their development in France as well as internationally.